Snoopy's Misty

Monday, November 14, 2005


Misty's always been rather cautious about leaving her cage. Whenever I carry her out of her cage, she will jump back within 10 mins after hopping about the area around her cage. I tried to lure her out by offering treats or pellets but she will just back off once she gets near the entrance.

I've always been trying to make her feel more at ease but to no avail. She feels most secure in her cage. Secure spot: under the box.

Even when she's out in the hall, she will hop around and stop at sheltered areas like under the benches.

Finally tonight, I carried her and placed her on the rubber mat of the gate and she hopped down slowly. I then left to do some of my own stuff. When I came back out again, I saw that she was going in and out of her cage! Surprise surprise. I guess she learnt that it's not scary to get out of the cage. =) So happy that she's able to feel comfy now.

Misty: *Demure Mode*


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