Snoopy's Misty

Sunday, December 24, 2006


Wow it's been 2 months since I last posted an entry and I think Misty is getting settled down too comfortably already.

I've not had any posts showing what a rabbit should eat so this shall be it.

For adult bunnies like Misty (above 6 mths), they should be fed timothy hay and timothy pellets. Orchard grass is also acceptable. Misty is moulting recently and she will injest quite abit of her own fur when she grooms herself so hay is really important.

Misty: I'm having a bad fur day

Even for hay there is 1st/2nd cut etc. 1st cut consists of the most roughage (stems) and is good for a bunny's digestion as it helps them to poo poo more.
Here are some pictures:

This is Timothy Hay from Oxbow. Misty likes the "flower" looking part the most, then the leaves, and lastly the stalks. She will only eat the stalks if she feels like it or if she has none of the other 2 left. Smart aren't they? Rabbits should be fed hay all the time. I always make sure there is hay all the time in her pan.

Next is pellets. Adults eat timothy pellets and in small quantities. I give her 2 tablespoons a day, 1 in the morning and 1 after her playtime at night.

Vegetables will be given in the evenings when I reach home. A variety of about 3 or more will be good.

Lastly a picture of Misty after food.