Snoopy's Misty

Monday, November 28, 2005

Daily Exercise

Daily runs (not referring to wet stools). Hers are round and hard. Haaa...

I open up her gate whenever I am home. She will then hop out for some running, hop back for food, and hops out again for some fun. When she has enough of running, she will go back into her cage for a rest. She's more daring nowadays as she allows me to get close to her while she's all sprawled out. Previously, she will spring up immediately whenever I go near.

Her favourite spots in the hall include the toilet (I will shoo her out and shut the door), under the tv console and under the bench. Whenever I approach her with my hand reached out, she will come over for a sniff. She's hoping that I will feed her with some pellets. =)

Monday, November 14, 2005


Misty's always been rather cautious about leaving her cage. Whenever I carry her out of her cage, she will jump back within 10 mins after hopping about the area around her cage. I tried to lure her out by offering treats or pellets but she will just back off once she gets near the entrance.

I've always been trying to make her feel more at ease but to no avail. She feels most secure in her cage. Secure spot: under the box.

Even when she's out in the hall, she will hop around and stop at sheltered areas like under the benches.

Finally tonight, I carried her and placed her on the rubber mat of the gate and she hopped down slowly. I then left to do some of my own stuff. When I came back out again, I saw that she was going in and out of her cage! Surprise surprise. I guess she learnt that it's not scary to get out of the cage. =) So happy that she's able to feel comfy now.

Misty: *Demure Mode*

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Look at all the Greenery

Why is the grass so green? Why is the blog so green? Well, looking at green objects and trees helps our eyes to relax.

Er.. ok bad excuse but I think I have to explain why everything is green in colour about Misty (except for her fur). Green is definitely NOT my favourite colour! Haa.

The day that I adopted her, I rushed down to the pet shop to get a cage. Last cage of this size - Green.

Accessories that came with the cage - Green.

I wanted to give her some place to hide so that she can feel secure in the new surroundings. Timberland shoebox - Green.

Hay and vegetables - Green.

Went to get a carrier to make future travelling easier. Only colour I could find of this size - Green.

Everything from then on was done to match what she already had. If you can't beat them, join them!

New litterbox from Ikea - Green.

Blog colour scheme - Green.

I guess that explains. By the way, my favourite colour is blue =)