Snoopy's Misty

Monday, July 02, 2007


Misty got sick the other day. Well, not really the other day I guess this post is way overdue. It was around late April/early May when I came back to find Misty behaving weirdly. Her hopping was weird (I could hear her nails hitting the ground going 'click'). I then looked at her closely, and could see that her eyes was rolling to her right, and switching back instantly, rolling right, switching back. Then I saw her head going towards her right at the same time. At times when she's resting, she's ok.

This pic clearly shows her head going towards her right.

Then I knew that this might possibly be headtilt. It might be due to trauma, injury or simply in her genes waiting to happen. This is quite a common illness and I heard of bunnies recovering from it, as well as bunnies' heads staying tilted for the rest of their lives. =(

So I took her to the vet immediately the next morning. Doc gave her some baytril (antibiotics i think), and a jab. I forgot the name i think it started with E. Anyway, she got better a few days after and recovered well. I had to syringe feed her the baytril every night. 4ml per day, preferably at the same time everyday.

The vet did mention that some owners brought their bunnies in late and expect a miracle to happen. It doesn't so if your bunny is not behaving normally, pls bring them to the vet asap. Their condition can worsen within a short period of time, especially if it affects their appetite.

I'm just glad she's back to her old self now.