Snoopy's Misty

Sunday, February 25, 2007

All Cleared

It's the Lunar New Year. While I was spring cleaning, I decided to try out something new (again?) for Misty. I wanted to try putting her on the floor, without any floor mat or covering. Previously I was afraid that her pee might cause yellow pee stains. Was told that this method might work as sometimes mats might still have some pee odours left behind even after cleaning.

So here goes, this is her new setup. Simple, clean.

On the first day, there were 3 pools of pee, at 2 corners and 1 in the middle. On the second day, there was only 1 pool. Improvement, I hope. After that, it averaged at about 1 pool a day. On some good days, there were none. I hope that one day she will learn to pee in her toilet only.

By rewarding her with treats, she will learn that the toilet is a good place, thus associating it as a place for input (food) and er.. output (poop/pee). Haa..
She knows that I will only feed her when she is on her litterpan. So whenever I bring food, she will hop into her pan and beg for food.

Misty: Is there food?

Misty: Carrot! *Crunch, munch*

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

With Love

It's Valentine's Day! Have a happy and loving day. Don't forget to love your pets too! Here's a kiss from Misty...

Misty: Muah!