Snoopy's Misty

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Level Up

To solve the problem of Misty's yellow butt, I created a higher level ground for her such that the lowest ground is her toilet. Here's a picture of what I did.

I bought some grilles from Daiso and used one of them for the higher level. Plastic mats are then placed on top as the grilles have wide squares and her paws can definitely go through them. With this, I created a pull-out tray at the bottom using choloroplast board and placed newspaper on it to absorb pee and allow easy clean up. Just pack and throw.

However, the cage base is still low and she does pee there occasionally. Look at the yellow stains on the nappy mat. This is her new layout:

She's still moulting right now and having bad fur days. Looking a little sleepy there...

Misty: I'm fighting the Z monster.